No Stress, Fix your FX

Exchange Rate Calculator

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Exchange Rate
Updated at:
22.10.2024 - 13:11
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How does it work?


Set conversion rate

Fix the conversion rate between the currencies of your choice, at your convenience.


Select an exchange office

Select the agency that suits you best to collect your money from one of our partner exchange agencies.


Sign in

When you register, you will receive an e-mail confirming your rate and the availability of the desired currencies.


Money collect

Visit the location to collect the funds within 3 hours of your online transaction.

Real-time exchange rate

Real-time exchange rate

Real-Time Exchange Rate Calculator: Use our online conversion tool to get the latest exchange rates. Our calculator will give you an accurate estimate of the amount you'll receive in exchange for your money.

Partner exchange offices

Partner exchange offices

Select the exchange office closest to your location. You can collect your currency from our partners in Geneva, Lausanne, Zurich, Basel, Winterthur and Lugano.

Your MyBestFx account

Your MyBestFx account

By creating an account with MyBestFX, you simplify your future transactions. Your online profile allows you to manage your transactions in a single click, offering a smooth and quick process. Never miss an opportunity. You can also receive alerts on market fluctuations and special promotions, enabling you to make informed trading decisions.

Currencies to exchange

Currencies to exchange

Variety of currencies: Whether you need US dollars (USD), euros (EUR), pounds sterling (GBP) or any other currency, MyBestFX can handle it. We deal with a wide range of foreign currencies, including Polish zloty (PLN), Danish krone (DKK) and Moroccan dirham (MAD). For inquiries relating to other currencies, please contact us by using the contact form. We guarantee access to your currencies within 48 hours.

Why choose MyBestFX?

MyBestFX | Your Currency Exchange Application in Switzerland

Welcome to MyBestFX, your reliable partner for all your currency exchange needs in Switzerland. Whether you're a tourist, a cross-border worker or anyone else needing to exchange foreign currencies, MyBestFX makes your currency transactions simple, fast and economical.

You decide when you want to fix your exchange rate: To ensure optimal use of our platform, we encourage you to monitor foreign exchange market trends to determine the most favorable time to place your transaction.

Opt for comfort when exchanging currencies: With MyBestFX you can complete your transactions online from the comfort of your own home, at any time. Once the transaction has been completed online, you can collect your currency from one of our offices within three hours, at your convenience. We understand that flexibility is essential. With MyBestFX, you can choose the time that suits you best to collect your funds.

Guarantee your fixed rate:We guarantee the conversion rate and the corresponding amount of your transaction for three hours from the moment the transaction is completed online. After this time, the transaction expires. After that, our agencies can no longer provide you with this rate.

Better rates while you're at the agency: We understand that markets can be volatile. If the rate is better when you visit one of our agencies, you can cancel the online transaction and benefit from the agency rate.

Find the nearest agency: To collect your money, you can choose between our partner agencies in Geneva, Lausanne, Zurich, Basel, Winterthur and Lugano. Select the one that suits you best.

Best rates on the market: You can count on MyBestFX to offer you competitive and fair rates on every transaction. We believe that every franc counts, which is why we're committed to offering you competitive exchange rates for all the world's major currencies, including the euro (EUR), US dollar (USD), Canadian dollar (CAD), British pound (GBP) and Japanese yen (JPY), among others. Our commitment to low rates makes us the right choice for all your currency exchange needs.

Zero exchange commissions:We are committed to being transparent with our customers. On our platforms, you complete transactions with zero exchange fees, which means we don't charge you any additional amount to the sum you intend to exchange. We guarantee that no hidden fees are applied.